"I have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade..."
When time stops abrupt
And despair spreads its wings,
I retreat to my corner desolate.
And rest my restless mind
Upon a dream of you.
Emerald lightning unravels my soul –
In the fierce thunder you unleash,
Drops of your voice spiral
Endless, infinite
An ocean forever.
I never wake up.
You carry me
Crossing the threshold of the smiling ache.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Emerald Eyes
Posted by Leooncusp at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
um, really busy (designing some intricate math problems), no time to blog ...boohoo
But i can leave a problem for you if interested...haha
Create an open cylindrical container with base C' and height d in the following manner: A simple closed curve C' is created inside a (bigger) simple closed convex curve C at a constant distance d from C. Let d vary, so like now you have a bunch of containers with different heights and bases. Is is right to claim that the largest (in terms of volume) such container will have its base area equal to its wall area? Wow, flashback of Die Hard 2...Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson frantically measuring water in containers ...haha can you believe it, wrong math answer = boom !!!...but man! Bruce Willis is such a delight, yippekiyey &^%$#@!
Take that, Right! until i am really back and grrrr...
Posted by Leooncusp at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Whoa! Poetry on my blog! Damn it, Right! I thought we had an understanding!
Wait, i am coming back to do some exorcisme, as soon as i am done with my homework...
Posted by Leooncusp at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Never let go
Strange attractor creates chaos
Detracting from obvious trodden upon path
Eventuality leads where in reality?
Per chance. Aye, utter not but.
Remain untold, my thoughts of ecstasy
Fanciful clouds surround us for now
Beauty breathtaking – O unseen
May this breath be forever, I beseech thou.
Life passes. Moments never do-
Etched in eternity, encompassing time.
Beguiling truth, never let go
Thy fractured niche of tormented shrine.
In a momentary whim, when dusk decides
To envelop sun and let moon shine,
By the river of fancy – I met a stranger,
Our paths parallel forever entwined.
Posted by Leooncusp at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
And just like that...
my right brain blindsides me! Twice in a row!
Posted by Leooncusp at 9:42 PM 0 comments
My missing element
It was a beautiful day with crisp cold air. Walking back from french class, i felt the freshly washed earth underneath my feet; looking up, i saw the sky glowing with dusky candle light of the setting sun. Mesmerized, i looked around and there were cherry blossoms everywhere, showering the trees in abundant grace, as if to make up for the missing leaves.
And then it struck me. What i was missing.
Fire in my soul. It was gone.
Posted by Leooncusp at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sometimes just a hmm suffices for me.
Sky looks beautiful, almost poignant with anticipation. I wonder where my little bird is in this vast limitless space, and if he would ever find his way back to me.
"Higher still and higher
From the earth thou springest
Like a cloud of fire
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest..."
Bonne chance, mon petit roi, may all the world be at your feet.
Posted by Leooncusp at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Du temps libre? ah, non.
La professeur a besoin de corriger les devoirs. Elle a envie d’une assistante, mais elle a besoin d’un stylo rouge…hmm i've got a red pen i suppose…boohoo…nevertheless!
So yeah, i went ahead and made a long list of things i must do for tomorrow, it almost filled out a page! Damn! On the plus side, found a great Chinese restaurant yesterday, food was definitely not westernized = tasted yumm, gotta tell D about it.
Still thinking about love. Ponder all ye want, mind. Just don’t be affected by it. Eh, don't ya just love my left brain (aka my left hand side limit, lol, closing in on me from the left), detached, ruthless and analytical...sigh, why can't i be more like my left brain?
Obama had landslide victory in SC primary… haha, take that Hillary! You know what you don’t have my dear, charisma! Truth be told, when we look for a leader, we are unconsciously looking for one with the magnetism of a king or queen. And magnetism, i must admit, :-P, your husband had aplenty, and so does Obama. Besides, tu es mechante! So yeah…you’re going down, sorry! (wow, now I sound mean!)
J'ai faim, going toward le frigo (or is it la frigo) to hunt for food…might be back later.
Posted by Leooncusp at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tu es contente? Oui.
ahhhh...i caved.
I guess i am not that split after all. Just to prove my sincerity haha, i have merged the titles and such...and as a peace offering, here is a post from my other site...
I am waiting for that flash of realization. For my inward eye. How do you know you are in love? I mean the kind that liberates you from yourself.
That reminds me…I spent a good half hour yesterday reading “The science of romance” in the Time magazine. What a waste of time! Science my foot! The first article began with the premise of love being a concoction of cues delivered by brain, body and senses, wait, solely to reproduce! It then waltzed ahead to get love and commitment all mixed up. Okay. After some bla-bla-bla, came the contradiction to its own hypothesis as article number n ventured into love in gay relationships. Yeah, yeah, they tried to downplay it by citing lack of commitment, but that ain't but a poor misguided attempt at a proof! And then it went on to provide further contradiction using some lame-ass love sites that matched couples to eternal bliss (haha, no brain, no sense, no body signals...poof goes your premise bro!). Seriously, Time, get your act together; have a writers' meeting or something! Don't waste my precious time! (eh, I was eating lunch, and believe you me it was precious!)
The saving grace was a quote from Bertrand Russell. "Of all form of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness". Now, you I get Bert, good man you were! lol
Anyhow, back to my above question. Guess I will have to ask mr. jones.
Je ne comprends pas. Non, vraiment pas. Savez-vous, monsieur j?
ps. And yeah...i am going en francais on I...no more mid-sentence I pour moi...
Posted by Leooncusp at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Per chance to dream
yay! I got my first french test back, and! Voila! 100%! ah but I am more excited about the compositions I handed in, and got a magnifique...and the fact that prof wrote "pour moi aussi" beside my aberrant fill-in-the blanks sentence Hillary Clinton est "mechante". Eh, prof's got spunk, just like moi.
Spent the whole day in school, two back-to-back classes (4 hours) including the 10-min run from campus end A to campus end B ...ah depts gotta have just that much distance between math and french I suppose :-P...and then ran back for meeting! Two hours later drove back home in the rain. Skipped dance again, ahhh, my classmates must be wondering where I vanished.
Me eyes are closing...sleeeeeeeeeepy...
Posted by Leooncusp at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Say hello to Dr. Jekyll
Guess what? It's raining here again! tra-la-la...
The sky turned an ethereal shade of blue, just before it started to pour. Lovely, indeed.
I heard someone talking about LSAT today and seriously, I am taking that as a divine nudge. I gotta find meself a study-buddy, cause those of you who don't know me, I am, comment dit-on, haha, tres parasseuse! Hey, being a leo I am entitled to be! That reminds me, I think I aced the french test yesterday, oh well, it was tres facile.
I have been blogging at my other site quite a bit this month, so yeah, wasn't here. Kinda starting to feel like split personality though, huh. I think I will call this my left-brain blog site. Being trained in your left brain definitely has its own advantages, but I have always had a secret penchant for getting to know my right brain better. For whatever reason (duh! you know the reason) always gave it a cold shoulder though... more like it gave me cold feet, haha. Trying to change all that, you know...
I have been reading someone's blog, which I must say, is quite intriguing! yep, intriguing it is, and the skin is superb of course. Actually it's more than that. It's like how sometimes you just feel that you know someone, and you keep wondering why cause there is not really any logical explanation. It's that kind of weird feeling I get when I read this blog...hmm
ahhh, time is running, gotta do french devoirs, math for tomorrow, watch two new episodes of Law & Order, ah what about Project Runway...I guess will wait for the re-run next week.
Heath left yesterday. But I can still see him on that football field gallery, microphone in hand, singing "you are too good to be true"...so much life! ah why Heath?
Posted by Leooncusp at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
ah! nice to be back.
It's a pleasure being a student again, I'll say. I am looking forward to doing devoirs (wow! that alone should speak volumes)...although I have to admit it's a breeze compared to my native subject.
Watched the first "dance war" hmm...too early to comment. Javier Bardem came upto the stage to accept the CC award, he scares me, man! so does Daniel Day Lewis...something about them is rather freaky, could be the fact that they get into their roles so deeply...
Thinking of taking LSAT, eh just for fun...then again who knows? I am feeling restless.
It's already the 8th, and I am free to exhale, but I miss my imaginary friend. I wonder what he is upto.
Ca va mal. Et toi?
Posted by Leooncusp at 8:34 PM 0 comments