Friday, September 26, 2008

Shoot that arrow

Hmm...the sly old fox changed his mind. Well, there's a reason i call him sly.

Thinking about the debate. The lion should stop being magnanimous and beat the fox in his own game. Yes the fox is old and frail, but he is not on the side of truth. Go for him, magnanimous lion, tear him apart and only then the judgement will be served!

Today was the first time i saw Biden speak. Oh my! Now there's an old man i could dig! So much so that I am reminded of the first epic battle scene of Bhagabad Gita. A pensive young warrior Arjuna and his wise charioteer guide Lord Krishna. What a pair!

Oh Palin, why send old Rudy? Haven't memorized all the countries of the world yet i suppose, tsk-tsk...what have you gotten yourself into, lil girl?

Well i can't wait for Oct. 2. Here's a question from Stephen Colbert.

"Senator Biden, please discuss the resurgence of Taliban Militias in Afghanistan's Bajaur region; Governor Palin, please spell 'region' "


Thursday, September 25, 2008

The sand land fable update

The sly fox is backing out from the verbal duel with the magnanimous lion.

The red riding hood had but what can be called an overall non-effect on the subjects of the land. The non-cognizant supporters of the fox were drawn in, while the cognizant ones backed out. I use the word cognizant so as to not to offend the collective intelligence of fox supporters. LOL

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Jet lag sucks!

Feeling scattered.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

An ode to a stranger

It has been some time since i have been here, hasn't it? Missed me?

I am back home after 23 hours of plane ride and my apartment seems so tiny. And empty. Devoid of sounds and people, ah, how stale! Well, school starts on monday and i won't have much time to brood. Saved by the bell i will! Ahem, the commencing one.

On the plus side of the terrible ride was that i made a friend. On the plane. So the last 13 hours were quite enjoyable. A nice gentleman let us switch seats with him so we could discuss everything from Maupassant to Marijuana, interlaced with Gödel, Panpsychism, Camus and The Big Lebowski. Lol. I am impressed, really! Who knew that an engineering student at the top school of the country was capable of such depth and yearning to learn? Kudos, my dear. Between our discussion of Gödel's refutation to Einstein's (mis)use of time as coordinate, and C. G. Jung's collective unconscious theory and its impact on Freud's, he enlightened me about the exact effects of the psychedelic drugs on our minds! Contradictions are oh so sexy, don't you think? Doesn't hurt that he is an even bigger fan of The Dude! I mean the man owns a copy!

So we made a deal to watch The Big Lebowski, um, sans the personal conscious, lol. Should be interesting. And, yeah, in return he asked me to explain Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem to him, that is when i get a handle on it (Well, this leo had been lazy and didn't go to the library as she thought at the time!)

Then i slept and he let me sprawl over the empty seat between us while he stayed up the whole time. I think i kinda liked that. And then he fell asleep right before the plane was about to land. I couldn't help but watch him sleep, just for a moment. He had such delicate features of perfect proportions. As if the creator put down his chisel on a momentary whim, and picked up a brush to paint instead.

Yes, we have a kinship. We are alike. Eh, i dunno what it means. I don't want to think about it.

Something interesting he said. Words can be dressed, feelings never are.

Earlier, when i was about to fall asleep i found him looking at me, hand on cheek, just staring.

I: What's on your mind?

He: If i tell you, i will be really embarrassed.

I: Then make something up!

He: Ah, no. I will just tell you something else instead.

I can't tell you what he said. Even though he dressed his feelings up in words.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


N'oubliez pas les espoirs perdus...

The sand land fable

Once upon an enchanting time in the sand land of red and blue there roamed a sly old fox and a magnanimous lion. This land of sand sported a special spot. The sacred sand. It was special because if one lied standing on the sacred sand it would turn into quicksand. What's more, it was not static. Every time it took a liar down, the spot changed its coordinates. No one could tell where this new spot would be. Thus the animals were afraid to lie, unless they were very near the ocean, for one could always jump in the water if they felt the sand moving underneath their feet.

The sly old fox grew tired of telling the truth, for he was one prone to lie. Indeed his fur turned all white from this strenuous effort. But the magnanimous lion had no difficulty at all. He basked in the glory of truth and became even more magnanimous. Consequently the other animals doted on him and felt protected near him. They showered him with gifts and affection and treated him like their king.

This bothered the fox to no end. He recruited a few like minded animals to create a trap of sort that gives the effect of sinking sand under the weight of a heavier animal, say, something like a lion. The fox thought if he could get the magnanimous lion on the spot and make him sink, he could kill him and his reputation. Alas, one of the lion's followers got wind of this trap and fox's plan backfired. The sand land animals never quite liked the fox but now they were losing their faith in his cunning capacities.

Mortified, the sly fox sought help from the Red Riding Hood. By now she was living in a house over the hill with five of her children and grew to be weary of the world. She has lost all her childhood charm and become quite a stern and worldly woman. So she saw no harm in striking a deal with this one time enemy of hers.

The sand land animals were not aware of her evolved nature. So they cheered, somewhat bewildered, at the sight of their once favorite little girl returning hand in hand with the sly old fox. The fox pretended to be magnanimous, and tried to sport the gait of a lion as he entered the sand land with Red Riding Hood in tow.

(to be cont'd)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A tear and a chuckle

It's autumn already, judging from the clear bright sky and the shower-torn clouds. Time goes by real slow here, for me that is. I just read and sleep, listen to the rain and thunders, birds' chirping and the usual hustle-bustle of a metropolis. At times i feel like a princess lost in a castle, wandering in rooms after rooms, all empty, looking for a fellow soul. Looking for someone i can't find. At times i loiter on the rooftop and wonder, if i should go up the spiral staircase and visit the little roof at level 4.5. I haven't yet.

But my time here is almost up. I am leaving in a week.

Looking forward to busy school days. We are in for lots of changes, and the coming years are gonna be crucial. Ah, do keep busy, c'est une bonne ordonnance pour le cœur brisé! Oh c'mon, you don't mean that! Okay, i am joking, see my smiling face :-) ...? There!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Et toi?

There is someone i want to write about. But i am not ready for that yet.

This someone is very different than me. Indeed. Age, status, education, views, perhaps even taste, all visible threads are missing from this connection. But that night, that undeniable night, i felt an inherent connection, invisible link, threading us thus. One that can't be torn apart, for it does not exist.

Perhaps someday? When the moon won't shine and the waves will be dark. I shall write about him then.

Once on one of those girls' nights out, amidst blazing music and shared frenzy, i had to write down on a dinner napkin - the description of my preferred man. I described him with three adjectives. ICE for short. Intense, caring and, wait, what was the third one again? LOL, you figure it out, it starts with an E! We had to then add our pluses. My pluses were athletic, intelligent, funny, and not a fussy eater (can't have two fussy eaters in one house, now can we?). Anyway, long story short, it was an interesting smorgasbord of what women want, although two amongst the four of us were already hitched. Well, boo-hoo for them! I am joking of course, don't take me so literally!

Having said all that, for me, it doesn't really matter. When i see water i like, i jump head-first. I could potentially hurt myself if the water is shallow, but so what? I am a dreamer. I will never be a pragmatist. Measured steps are not for me. You may call me conceited, philosophical, self-righteous and what-not, it's not gonna change me.

I am happy in my fiber.


I got one hour to kill before dinner, i suppose i could read some more, but i am here so what the heck. I'll blog.

What a day! lol, no, you don't need to know any more. Puts a roller-coaster to shame. Feels like i am stuck in a dream labyrinth, mesmerized and motionless.

"O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!"

What do i make of it?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy; but come
Here as before, never, so help you mercy..."

Elle (R) réfute

R: in his defense, he was just a boy.

L: LOL. with that defense you better start looking for another profession!

R: (sigh) you don't understand.

L: no, it's crystal-clear actually, you have been had my dear, admit it!

R: if we start to linearize things the way you do, we stand to miss the most complex points.

L: hmm.

R: you see?

L: eh, i dunno.

R: eh? is that an admission of your ignorance? am i dreaming?

L: and you are being sarcastic? you? the noble R?

R: okay, i apologize. but my point is that it's not always possible to know the truth, on ne sait pas, on connait avec les temps et le désir de comprendre.

L: and you are privy to that i suppose? do enlighten me!

R: (sigh) must you always be sarcastic?

L: sorry, old habit et cetera, do go on.

R: il m'aime, mais il ne connait pas encore, que à faire avec cela. parce que il est très jeune, et il a peur.

L: ah! une observation très interresante, mon amie! and how did you arrive at this conclusion, may i ask?

R: no, you may not. some answers are only to be found.

L: d'accord.

R: ah, bon, L.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I am free.


Dream on!

I was blog-hopping and came across one of those stay-at-home mom blogs. Ugh! Oops, did i say that aloud? Ah oui! Sorry dearie, love your descriptions of things that you do all day, but you know what, working moms do all those and then some. And while it's all well and dandy that you teach your children the value of dear God, je pense que you'd do them a bigger favor if you can teach them how not to be a bigot like you!

Man, these women make me wanna throw up!
Ugh, i might need a shower just to shake off that feeling!

And oh yeah, pray for Palin with all your racist might,
but it ain't gonna happen sweetheart!

(p.s. Needless to say, the above outburst was caused by the brain-deficient remarks of one sanctimonious stay-at-home mom; remarks that judge working moms and sport political views based on color)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Flower in the sky

Lil' rose bud
Heart drenched in blood
Through her pain she pondered

My oh my
How thorns go awry

If i try
And close my eyes
Shall i be
Will i be
A flower in the sky she wondered.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Elle (L) Dit

Comment ça va, chère R? Tu es contente, mon amie?

What? No, that's not a smirk obviously! I don't rejoice in your pain, so don't look at me that way. I let you be, did i not? I made myself scarce so you can soar, to the point when i was beginning to question my own existence. But then you began to question! Mon dieu! Je domine enfin!

Sorry love, a fait tu penses que t'avais une chance? Contre moi?

And no, i assure you i take no pleasure in my victory. To tell you the truth, i feel a certain sadness. Ah, you and mr jones, you two, what can i say, you worried me more than your share. But i could have told you, cela ne devait pas arriver!

Let me be then. Now.

Friday, September 5, 2008

No can do

Since yesterday, i have been in charge of the fort. Last night i closed thousand doors and four thousand windows. I even strategically arranged the lights and the windows to remain open so as to give the enemy the impression of a fort manned to its brink. I was supposed to take a round at the dong of 3 but somehow i missed it and took it at 4. No harm done, fort was not invaded.

In the morning i woke myself up before six. I was annoyed to discover that the keys went missing until i located them only to entertain myself to the following pleasurable tasks. I opened four thousand windows and one thousand doors. But somehow i was MIA at the main gate and it remained unopened at the right moment, so now the scullery maids are MIA.

Oh well! In my defense, i am new to this, heck i will always be new to this! Don't expect me to get up early and be coherent. Actually, don't expect me to adhere to structures, for i have too much character to fall prey to any.

So there!

Living aloft, within and without


Cruelty is almost always a result of ignorance. Unbeknownst to them, ignorant people partake in cruel acts. Indeed.

"Maybe people are just very adaptable." To what avail? Tell me?

Do our lies define us more than our truths? For we define our lies whereas our truths define us? Or is it the other way around?

I forget what i want to say. Let's digress voluntarily. Let's discuss Camus.

Okay. First of all i will admit that i was fooled. It's the longest monologue i ever read, and went dizzy trying to understand the contradictory statements; until i realized that i have been had, much like Clamence's companions. With that admission out of my way, cher ami, i will secondly admit that i am guilty of many of the thoughts. But i do not feel guilty for having any of them.

"I protest against the rise of the victimhood and i sincerely pity the able weak. I have been even called an elitist. And guess what, mon cher, i take pride in that! I detach myself from the task i am truly immersed in, for nothing really matters. And i do it à plusieurs reprises just to see if they can catch my wiles. Ah, but they praise me instead, my tireless dedication and my ever so fierce leaderhsip! Can you beleive it, cher monsieur?

And i never jump in the cold water to rescue my soul. For i soar as i drown. Fortunately! "

LOL. That was me confiding in Clamence, giving in to his hidden invitation, at the same time defying his premise altogether. It's dubious, you see.

It's a treat indeed, indulgence rather, to see things in such dual light. From harmony springs forth chaos, the desire to enslave turns into a yearning for submission, truth, "the colossal bore" metamorphoses into lies ever so interesting. Ah, i should have known, the hyphen!
Judge-penitent as he claimed. A mon avis, it's all in those two words, and the hyphen that connects that contradiction.

It's all very clear now. As i said, i have been had. But that was then. And by a master plotter. I feel no shame. Really!

Mais alors

It's such a nice day weather wise. The sky is tranquil -the sun peeking through the torn clouds, the squirrels chasing after one another on the coconut trees (believe it!) ; even the crows' cawing seems to be blending in. Such is the day, comme du cristal, transparent in ambiance, cool in touch.

Mais alors, pourquoi elle est triste aujourd'hui?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh do you?

I finished The Fall last afternoon. I was laying on my tummy as i finished the last page. I rolled over and let out a profound 'hmm!' What a sneaky bastard, that Camus! LOL, i say that with much love, comme les visiteurs de George (Seinfeld) ...

Oh, i have much to say on that but i gotta run, i hear thunder, ah sweet storm is on its way!