Wednesday, June 16, 2010



On the last surfing spree i found that i scored 95% in the french course a la ordinatoire that i abhorred.

Now that should make me happy. I beat the godforsaken computer. yay. pat-pat. Whatever!

I need to be sleepy. Perhaps a glass of milk?

Get off of my mind, you who has been ruining my nights, stop torturing me!!!



Everyone's asleep. Pas moi. Twoface stole my sleep. Three nights in a row.

Ce n'est pas juste. Tonight was clearly out of line. Et quelle facon lache! (ah fuck this stupid keyboard, les accents ne marchent pas ici!)

Say, why take it then?

"Don't let me give you any less than you give me"...une parole vide, non?

Running out of iterations. Just when i am near convergence there is noise.

I am angry. I wish the noise would drown, convergence or not.

Good, old buddy, you said it at last! Mieux tard que jamais!


Yes. Truncate, truncate, truncate! Not worth your time.

No, not worth my time. Not the noise.

But what about the music? It is beautiful.

Yes, i admit. Well, while it lasts.

What then? Tell me which way to go.

(half-smile, half-snicker) Drop it, old gal. Il n'apprendra jamais. But i wonder, will you either?