Friday, February 27, 2009


Je m'en vais!

Pour rendre visite à mon vingt-cinq! :-P

Soyez-sage, tout le monde!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To you Stephan

Even if Stephan doesn't win tonight, he will be the top chef in my book!

Hell yeah! Who else can brave the alligator and turn it into a yumm soup, swear left and right and turn around and deliver some super fine dish, or give a hug whenever a damsel is in distress, even if the damsel happens to be not your typical damsel...

Here's to you then, you tough tough man, with a heart of gold that you hide so well...well, not so well anymore ...


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ne dis pas

Things are never quite as they seem, are they?

we look before and after and pine for what is not
our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught

and our sweetest songs...tsk-tsk

Ah, je veux être quelque part, très très lointain.
Juste moi et mes chansons chéries...les chansons qui disent des pensées plus tristes...

Et tu mon ami!

Good night

Hope i didnt make anyone blush with that last post. You know me, LOL, unstoppable force yeah?

Sorry, that's an inside joke for my counterpart, mister immovable object...:-P

Good night everyone, especially you Orpheus, i am so glad to see you are making it through...

(Orpheus is a musician in case you wonder, my fellow blogger who i check up on de temp en temp...and no, he is not on my blogroll, cause some friends are too special to share...)

It will happen...just you wait my of these days...

Wish you all the luck.

Le Mardi Soir


Before i proceed i must admit that i am quite mad, at the people of a stupid committee, people that are standing between a darn good program and the students who could benefit from it. I was primarily supposed to work on the new grant today, but much of that precious time was stolen to make a flurry of phone calls and in a blizzard of emails, all because of them!

Stupid people who email back and forth for they do not understand a simple mathematical table! You who hold Ph.D.s in other disciplines, use your brains! I mean fuckin look at me you morons, i am from math, but taking french and acing it in style! Can't you folks gather yourselves and understand just a bit of logic! Sheesh! Your incompetency is beginning to get under my skin and soon you shall get a taste of my wrath! We at the math dept are beginning to think that they are probably getting back at us for flunking all their math classes in their juvenile years! Oh, i am quite sure of that at this point!

Okay, that was not enough venting, but i have a step class coming, where i intend to kick some butt so saving some anger for that. Too bad they canceled all the kick-boxing classes, it would have been really handy tonight!

Oh my dear L, anger's not good, think good thoughts...think of r...

Remember his smile? Go back in time my dear girl, there he is...he is sitting right there, looking at you, just looking at you, and looking at you, endless...and smiling...mmmm, oh yeah. Anger, what anger? Je ne sais pas c'est quoi!

Look at me r, here we merge---eyes to eyes, lips to lips, laughter to laughter, twinkle to twinkle, let's dance baby, the night is ours, the floor is endless...

let me rise only to
descendre sur vous,
let me take you in
lentement mais sûrement
and in and in
rentrez à moi
mon amour chéri

until i know not of the world.

Le vendredi soir, je ne peux plus t'attendre!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hey now

My, i must admit i am a bit ashamed of my posting frequency this month. Mais alors c'est un février très spécial! I am having the time of my life avec m. jones :-P que je vais visiter la prochaine semaine! LOL, Is that too fast? Perhaps, but do you see me apologising? Er, nope!.

Shh...don't tell anyone though, i am supposed to be working my butt off on grants and whatever until mid-March, but hey, a girl's gotta have what a girl's gotta have, when a girl's gotta have! You know what i mean? Je dis!

Okay back to work, but i do promise to take the count to double-digit!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quelle est cette langueur

R: Pensive.

L: C'est pourquoi mon amie? Dis-moi?

R: Ah dunno know what to tell you, L. Just bear with me while i brood.

R: Hmm, on second thought, perhaps lend me that analytical brain of yours? So i can think wisely and i am not that silly any more?

L: Why, R? Be yourself. You taught me that, remember?

R: Sigh. Tu as raison. Although, what good am i really in the world we function in?

L: What's gotten into you? Where's that free spirit that laughed at my conforming face?

R: Still here, L. Je ne sais pas c'est quoi me rend songeuse aujourd'hui.

L: Je te comprends. Mais ne cède pas, mon amie!

L: I am nothing but a brain without you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Cinq jours

Ah, feeling a little crazy now and then, but then acting sane for most of the time. Counting on des choses quotidiennes et nombreuses à mon travail to keep me on track until i see him again. Oh, upon the good advice of a friend i have decided to create a secret blog! Words to hold my moments. Moments that i don't ever want to let go. Hehe, thanks for the advice N, but sorry, can't share the key with ya! Quel dommage! For my eyes only, old friend!

Guess i will leave the inauguration for tomorrow! No, no, not what you are thinking...i really have no feelings for Valentine's day, just that it's too darn late in the night to start a whole new blog. As for me, i would rather celebrate St. Patrick's Day. :-P Que-dites vous, monsieur j? Oh, i so want to say your name, but i can't! Hmph!

I have been crazy busy since i got back. Started my lundi with an exam that killed my students supposedly, mais c'est pas ma faute! Hopefully they will wise up by the final and realize that regurgitating won't get them anywhere with me. Although i peeked into the exams a little as per mr jones' suggestion and found at least one brilliant exam. And it's not just by my fav students! Oh my, a girl too! Hmm, wonder why you are so quiet in class dear. Dazzle me girl, cause you've got it down!

Mardi, senate meeting was so much fun, cause we had Welcome Back Emeritii Day. Bunch of old profs showed up in tweeds and three-piece suits and shared what they have been up to, since retiring. Never in my experience as a senator have i heard so much laughter and applause. It began with one serious guy standing up and narrating for 5 minutes all the 37 things he has completed since his retirement. Gets nods and smiles. Next up was a cantacerous guy with a pasty smile. He offers one sentence in his growl of a voice, "I retired 15 years ago and haven't done a damn thing since!" Hall bursts with laughter and applause! hehe, melikes too! And then it goes on and on for like an hour... aww... i like old people!

Mercredi, learned useful bad words in french class. I was put in the group with two like-minded guys to extract historical evidence about french revolution en français but ended up extracting many good but not so historical stuff from our like-minded prof. Guys asked how to say "that girl is hot". Hmm, very politely, like "C'est une jolie femme". Never say "bonne femme" though. It's means something else. How to say my boyfriend is one hot guy? "C'est un chaud lapin"...hehe not so polite now, is it? It actually means someone who enjoys sex a lot, literally meaning something else again! So learning a language is a lot of responsibility, huh, you don't want to get mixed up and send wrong signals!

Okay, we didn't learn much about fall of Bastille, but i knew it already!

Sigh. I have a tough month coming at me. New grant proposal, a talk, a workshop i am organizing are all in addition to my daily chores. Got the ball rolling on grant today, i need like 10 letters at least, man! Eek, had my intake meeting this morning and guess what! The grant analyst was no other than my ex-student Y, someone i flunked like four years back. Let's rephrase, someone who flunked my advanced M-theory class gorgeously. Pas ma faute vraiment! I am seriously pouting now! Anyway, s/he was uber-nice and helpful. Thank you, dear, you get an A this time!

Vendredi soir, trying to study french. Using my 501 french verb book, but not getting much done. Just staring at the inscription...

Girl you are so gone!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

R to L

R: Ah, guess who's back in town! C'est moi!

I am not the same me though. Eh don't ask me, it's all mr. jones' doing! :-P

Yes, yes, yes...we met. Oh we so met!

Enfin! Two and a half long years! Melted now in the fire of the souls one.

Somewhere between the time i first saw him from across the street, eyes searching and the time we stood by the dimly-lit jetty, watching boats nestled on water slow-dance to the tune of the ocean wind, we fell. Oh we fell like we have never fallen before.

L: Shhh...stop already, any more and you'll make me blush!

R: D'accord mon amie, but count on me catching up with you later!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A demain

Bonsoir! Tout va bien?

Guess where i am!

Gypsy cloud, ta voix est trop seduisante...ce qui je peux dire...

Je ne peux plus attendre...


Monday, February 2, 2009


Amory went on to have more affairs but never loved again like he loved Rosalind.

If you can believe it, i just woke up thereby missing french class. Je suis un peu malade, je pense.

Cherry trees are in full bloom reminding everyone spring is on its way.