Saturday, February 23, 2008

Of cues and contradictions

Oh, wispy wind whooshing through the night air, wind chimes hitting against one another making haunting music, i am sitting here at the comp trying to write an exam. Just came back home, french dude said 'hi' as i was entering the building, oopsy, i forgot to say 'ca va'! god i almost forgot how bloody good-looking he was! eh, not just any old good-looking, but "i can charm you from here to the bedpost" good looking lol

I wonder. Maybe he will sponsor me and help quit you?

Sigh. Triggers. Cues.

I don't remember where i watched this, in some spy movie perhaps, the spy was programmed with cue words which would trigger the desired action. Of course i laughed and snickered in my leonine way, but little did i know, the tricks that mind can play. I have been wired. I am fine one moment, then hear or see one of those cue words and i am a mess the next moment. Can happen anywhere. At home, in car, or in a far i have been brought down by,

1. crystal (at home, was reading magazine)
2. tout le temps (in french class)
3. kiddo (in dean's office, 'how's going kiddo')

And i simply don't know if there are more. I will know when they will strike me i guess.

But those were some jolly good times, were'nt they mr. jones? Remember when you quoted Dostoevsky? What was it about again? Clever banters with highly interesting characters are always welcome - definitely you were not being cynical like Svidrigaïlov, i hope? :-P

(smile) and the time you asked me if you may have my permission 'to flirt with me'? Ah, the sweetest thing a man has ever said to me! As i was driving tonight, i chuckled as i thought of that, lol, and almost went into the incoming lane with the jolt of my next you were also the most ferocious of all i came across...too bad those are not thoughts i am at liberty to divulge here! (chuckles)

Hmm. Life has a funny funny way of turning curves. Just brace yourself.