Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Advienne que pourra

Someone's turning 26. I believe i have found the perfect gift.

C'est une boule de cristal. :-P

Ah, if only!

Then again, having a crystal ball at your disposal may not be all that fun it is jotted out to be. Do i wish i had a crystal ball? Hmm. You see, i don't know the answer to that. It's a heck of a responsibility to carry one around.

Oh, but i do wonder.

There are things that i can predict the outcome of and there are things that i can't. Would i mind a peek? Sûrement pas! But catering to my curiosity just ain't possible without tweaking with the balance of the present-future equation.

What's a girl gotta do?

For the last two months or so, mr jones and i have been living, how shall i say this, let's see, to borrow some verbiage here, quite like man and wife. We fall asleep on the same bed, waking up to the same alarm, although i have to say sometimes i would sleep through it, however rarely. I wave him goodbye from my kitchen window as he gets into his bus, on his way to his train and another bus. In the evening we either go out to visit some landmark, or just take a lazy stroll, perhaps shop for groceries, or just stay in and watch movies. Er, we even dare do our laundries together, which happens to be the bête noir for both of us!

There are no rules. Only patterns. :-P

We mostly stay in my flat, sometimes visiting his place for a night. You see the main kitchen is here, chez moi, along with the main chef. Hehe. I didn't know this side of him, but mr jones loves to check out various exotic food, and i love to cook, so the stove-top has been quite busy. Now, even though he laments his lack of chef-ing experience, the man did cook me a great breakfast last saturday, et en plus, nursed me back to monday with some yumm chicken soup when i was feeling under the weather on sunday!

He babies me like a mother would her child, rushing to close the window at the sound of a siren blaring ambulance, lest it wakes up the fitful sleeper, moi. He watches over me like a father, on hilly steps or near approaching strangers on dark roads; holds doors and carries stuff like a caring husband would for sa femme enciente. When we banter, he pulls my leg like a annoying lil bro, but one who doesn't mind when i speak back in little punches. Then turns around and listens to all my problems like a true-blue sis. We partake in debates, be it on serious world issues or (equally serious) Seinfeld facts, disagreeing agreeably as only true friends could.

And then there's of course that part of the relationship, which i am not at liberty to span on here, all i will tell you is that we do not shy away from giving that royal headboard its proper dues. :-P

So yeah, that's us for now. It's been good. The journey. Oh, i daresay we are happy as clams at high water.

What more could i ask for?

But i wouldn't lie, there are days when i yearn to know the destination.

Now, if only i had that crystal ball.