Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Un film bien recommandé

Today was the last day of class pour petite moi, work-wise. Ah, i could almost smell the summer, man...time to break out that new maillot de bain, et c'est de la couleur rouge si je peux dévoiler...(:

Ah, i can't wait!

I will be like mr. dude the whole summer, um, the clean version of course, both dirt and drug wise. hahahahaha. By the way, I love that one, Big Lebowski. Now that's a film i can recommend. If you wanna learn something about how to use your camera brilliantly, it's a must-see. Ditto for dream sequences, humor and kick-ass casting. You go, Coen bros!

My fav lines (um, supposedly the F count of the movie is 281, so pardon my french, lol):

"All the dude ever wanted... was his rug back."

"Fuck sympathy! I don't need your fuckin' sympathy, man, I need my fucking johnson!"

"The dude abides"

The last line is in complete conflict with my own philosophy, but i get it nonetheless. And i neither bowl, nor drive around without purpose, nor do i do, but je le comprends et je l'aime (mr. dude) any-fuckin-way!

That's the beauty of a film well done.