Thursday, July 3, 2008

Never say never

At times i wonder why i blog in English. Although i am quite taken with the language, it is not my strongest one. Indeed, as a teenager i used to be petrified by anything remotely linking me to the language, in particular, my English teacher. We shall call her Madame Z. You see, languages are often built like math, a discourse in structures intermittently infused with logic. One must have an objective approach to master the intricacies and nuances, albeit staying within the structure.

Ah, but fear, now fear makes one subjective. Madame Z., she was a mighty big woman with a stern voice and unkind stares to boot. She scared me so much so that i would just draw a blank and stop trying altogether! So during my high-school years where i flourished in nearly everything, especially in languages (including math) English remained my Achilles' heel. Wait, actually it was Chemistry, :) but oh well, i mean language wise!

So what is my point? That, teachers, be kind, don't you ruin the potential of young minds with your lack of respect and empathy, perhaps cook up a smile (do a take-out if you are a no-good cook), and oh, if you can, hit the gym once in a while? (Sorry, but little people tend to be afraid of mean big people, lol)

Er, no! That's definitely not my point. I guess my point is if you really do love something, let no amount of fear stop you in the track. I did give up my wish to major in English literature, and never took English formally since i left high-school, but man, did i ever take it in every other way possible!

Perhaps that's why i blog in English. It stirs me in a certain way. True, it ain't my strongest suit. (believe me i would blog easier in math if blogger would just let me lol). What it is however, in some odd incongruous fashion completely of its own, symbolic of my strength.

Ah, therein lies the difference.