Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mon président et mon petit ami

After passing a few days in happy stupor, as we are all entitled to, i am back. Thank you America (well, 52% of you!), you have restored my faith in your ability to make an intelligent choice. Coming of age in grand style, aren't we?

I wonder if people are looking at him differently, now that he has earned the coveted rank. I hear that some are. Those who branded his international exposure as lack of American-ness, or called his promises mere sound-bites are doing double-takes. Nothing in my mind has changed though. I am still in love with the President-elect the same way, the said love being a mélange of adulation, respect, faith, and a fierce loyalty. I mean how else can one look at the magnanimous Lion, you tell me? :-P Besides, the first man to take my (vote) virginity deserves that much, n'est-ce pas? LOL, sorry, just remembering a similar unabashed confession (of mr jones) in reference to Mister President, "the first man to make me feel so excited about a man!" Oh mr jones, you are such a doll! :-*:-*:-*

Ok, gushing aside, i am very excited about his journey and ours. Can't contain it within...ahhhh. We have victory party tomorrow, so i am looking forward to that.

Other than that, things have been generally good with moi. I believe i aced that french midterm, although, hmm, if prof ends up selecting my essay to read aloud, i will blush to death! It's a red-blooded (true-blue?) description of mon âme sœur! Eeek, hope she uses her judgement and leaves mine alone!

My grant got funded again despite the economic slump that eliminated the said funding for most other such proposals, i was told. I guess another victory dance is in order. That is if i am left with any energy after doing justice to all my roles. I was secretly hoping that we don't get it. Oh well!

I did do something fun though, as recent as today; spent this morning learning a new song. For a performance. There's some pressure in the sense that it's a toughy with the pitch playing peek-a-boo with the scale and beat having a mind of its own. But, j'aime les paroles, :-P...i will pretend that i am singing it to mr jones! Here's an effort at a translation...

Wake up, O lost-in-love, the time is here, to be
the serenade for the hearts two, a salute to their desire
waiting for you at the door

A fairy but waits wrapped in dew-drops of your memory
blooming wet with the first touch of morning spring

somewhere she waits

For sweet mercy, turn away from the dream
leave nights spent, behind, behind
for night and day, my love
are now to be held in the gaze of the beloved...

Yikes, think i butchered it, maybe it's better translated in french!