Monday, December 1, 2008

Sans doute

Ah, the exam day!

Two hours until i write the french exam. Five hours until i give the math one. So what am i doing here, you wonder. I am letting my mind float before the flight, of course. Indeed i studied nothing all of yesterday. My last encounter with french was that 3-hr tryst on saturday.

Ah, that reminds me of my saturday encounter with mr jones! :-P So, here's a shout out to mr mcstudly, :-P hey love, can't wait until we go there again! World may combust, but we just have to risk it, je devine.

Hmm, i got four good luck wishes for my final, a text, an email, a call, and you know, the other kind. 'kick ass on both sides of the lectern' was the last wish. Can you tell who the wisher was? Someone who knows me better than me, mais oui! Cause that's just about what i will be doing!

Je pense.