Sunday, April 19, 2009

Get it?

Il fait très chaud aujourd'hui.

85 degrees Fahrenheit was what i saw on my car's temp screen, as i was driving myself back from the gym. These days i look forward to my trysts with the cross-trainers, cause that's the only time i feel i could read without a guilty conscience chasing after me. My, see what academia does to you?

It's a bloody sunday, but i have been answering emails and working on something that needs to be submitted tomorrow, at the same time getting ready for some unforeseen meetings, the list goes on. Not that i am complaining too much, cause i love some of these things, although the rest drives me crazy! I am an academic, damnit, don't ask me to fill out forms or chase after broken systems!

And oh, here's to all who think us profs have it easy, that we just come and go, and have our summers off! Let me set that one straight, folks. Yes, you probably see us work 5 hours a day (that is when you really see us, teaching or holding office hours), but we generally work 8-10 hours a day, and most of the week-ends. Those of us wearing more hats than one, regularly pull 60-70 hours per week. Yes, we may have our summers off, but 1) we don't get paid for that time, and 2) it doesn't mean we are freaking sitting on our asses the whole summer, that's when we pursue our research interests, as you might know without publications we're toast! It's a tough balancing act, but most of us do it (despite the ludicrous compensation/time ratio and the more ludicrous demand/time ratio), is, cause we dig it; our students, our books, and just the whole idea of knowledge.

So consider yourselves lucky, dears!

Wow, i dunno what set that off! Probably the heat, or the expectation to answer work emails on a sunday. Anyway, i am reading Tony Morrison's Beloved on the cross-trainers these days. It's downright raw. I would like to cite a passage i like, but, i gotta go feed myself.

Later, all.