Friday, May 8, 2009

Just in time

Have you ever broken something in futile protest? Longed to hear the object hit a wall and smash itself into tiny fragments of its once full self, obliterating its meaningless objective existence? I am not someone who breaks things easily, but there are times when the a-curve nears the v-asymptote and when it does, watch out! For there's only one steepness it travels to reach that peak.


Last night i wanted to break my phone. As i picked it up with the intention of hurling it across the room, as far as my anger would allow me, i saw a hazy glimpse of its little green body from the corner of my teared up eyes, and i remembered that i loved my green gecko.

I checked myself just in time.

But my mind paced, refusing to let my tired body settle for sleep. For the rest of the night i teetered on the edge of a feeling more complex than anger and frustration.