R: in his defense, he was just a boy.
L: LOL. with that defense you better start looking for another profession!
R: (sigh) you don't understand.
L: no, it's crystal-clear actually, you have been had my dear, admit it!
R: if we start to linearize things the way you do, we stand to miss the most complex points.
L: hmm.
R: you see?
L: eh, i dunno.
R: eh? is that an admission of your ignorance? am i dreaming?
L: and you are being sarcastic? you? the noble R?
R: okay, i apologize. but my point is that it's not always possible to know the truth, on ne sait pas, on connait avec les temps et le désir de comprendre.
L: and you are privy to that i suppose? do enlighten me!
R: (sigh) must you always be sarcastic?
L: sorry, old habit et cetera, do go on.
R: il m'aime, mais il ne connait pas encore, que à faire avec cela. parce que il est très jeune, et il a peur.
L: ah! une observation très interresante, mon amie! and how did you arrive at this conclusion, may i ask?
R: no, you may not. some answers are only to be found.
L: d'accord.
R: ah, bon, L.
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