Friday, March 13, 2009


I got you some roses.

Mais je ne savais pas comment on fait une guirlande avec ceux. So there they stand in knee-deep water, tall and beautiful, yet devoid of all scent, ruefully apart from the other, in pristine mutual exclusion. The incense burns underneath the picture just like it should. A baby and a beaming new dad.

Comme les fleurs, there i stood still. In flesh and blood.

And there you stood framed in your likeness.


One year. A meaningless mark. Nothing really changes but we just grow apart.

Oh, but i cannot cry. That was then. When dignity became a foreign concept. I stood guarding the threshold, one with my rage, throwing a tantrum like a child with a broken promise, as i screamed at your lifeless body, C'est pas possible! Ce n'est pas mon papa!

But you had nothing to say.

What would you say if you could hear me now?