Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rock, paper, scissors

Man, i made the mistake of reading this irksome article about a book by comedian Steve Harvey, that too the first thing in the morning! Which left me with two choices. Ignore, for it ain't true. Or, rebut, for it ain't true. Being the head-butting Leo that i am, okay, okay, that's more like a bull, and i am but a lazy Leo, but whatever, i chose the latter anyway!

Empowering women everywhere with his man's wisdom is Steve's goal. Aww! Lofty, Steve! But truly you don't know much about women and do know only little about most men.

Misportrayal 1: Commitment is not what women live breathe and eat. Au contraire, it's much harder to get a well capable woman to truly commit to a man. The stress is on the word, 'truly'. We get bored rather fast and are equally capable to move on to the next interesting thing, ahem, man. And what's lethal is once we do, we don't give a damn about you. A man having an affair is still committed to his marriage (whatever the hell commitment means), but more often than not a woman in a similar situation is ready to chuck her hubby. So yeah.

Misportrayal 2: Your portrayal of men was very unjust to downright irresponsible. However, if by men you meant boys, i would agree. Then some boys do grow up to be men. Men who refuse to jump through all the hoops for what you so charmingly call "the cookie" and are well capable of waiting to get the right woman in their bed. So yeah (encore).

The premise: Next let us ponder what we all are looking for in life as far as relationships go. Settling down? Let's say that's what you want, and you followed all of Harvey's rules (e.g., Rule # 5: no sex before 90 days, LOL, you're kidding me, right?) like holy mantras and caught the big fish. Let me tell you this, men and women alike, the pursuit never ends, so settling down just cause you have that rock on your finger or that paper in your hand ain't worth the weight or the ink. Statistically, half will run out of ink, and the other half will suffocate under the weight of that rock.

Something to save the day: However, i am fair and give credit where credit is due. Mister Harvey's last paragraph rings completely true. A man does protect his woman at any cost. And that chivalry isn't dead, shouldn't be dead. By all means, let the man carry your stuff or hold the door, after all, you are the one who will carry the most precious weight of all! Nothing's wrong with a little dis! :-P

The bottom line: This revives the question, why do we need a contract for a man/woman relationship when we don't for all the other kinds? Oh i know! Without a contract how do you assure the proper distribution of the ownership of wealth? Material and human wealth alike. Brilliant! The whole idea is built on a contingent failure! We should have more of this!

Jokes aside, do understand that every relationship is a connection, and the more organic you keep it, the better chance you provide for it to flourish. Let it breathe. Give yourself, if you so want and give yourself knowing no barriers. Drown all the way to rise above yourself. It's a wonderful feeling. And oh yeah, don't make rules. Rules create lines, lines bound by stagnant inclinations, lines that rarely intersect with one another. Flow like a curve, make your way as you go. Granted, it will take a lot of strength, but it will be a journey worth it.

So this is what i say to you. Just live. In the moment. Sans des règles. Give it all you have, but do not be afraid to move on, if the wonder fades. You owe yourself that much.